Consensus versions

TENTATIVE semantic version numberSoftware releaseChange typeBIP(s)
0.1.0wxBitcoin 0.1.0original
0.2.0wxBitcoin 0.1.6softforkadded nLockTime enforcement[1]
0.2.1wxBitcoin 0.3.1softforkmostly-redundant 1 MB block size limit
0.2.2wxBitcoin 0.3.5softforkfixes CVE-2010-5141
0.2.3wxBitcoin 0.3.6softforkOP_NOPs made explicit
0.3.0wxBitcoin 0.3.7hardforkscriptSig + scriptPubKey evaluations separated
0.3.1wxBitcoin 0.3.10softforkfixes CVE-2010-5137 and CVE-2010-5139
0.3.2wxBitcoin 0.3.12softforkfixes CVE-2010-5138
1.0.0Bitcoin Core 0.6.0softforkfixes CVE-2012-1909
1.1.0Bitcoin Core 0.6.0softforkBIP16
1.1.1Bitcoin Core 0.7.0softforkBIP34
1.1.2Bitcoin Core 0.8.1softforkfixes CVE-2013-3220 by adding txid change limit
2.0.0Bitcoin Core 0.8.1hardforkremoved BDB lock limit & txid change limit
2.0.1Bitcoin Core 0.9.2softforkBIP42
2.1.0Bitcoin Core 0.10.0softforkBIP66
2.2.0Bitcoin Core 0.10.4softforkBIP65
2.3.0Bitcoin Core 0.12.1softforkBIP68, BIP112, BIP113
2.4.0Bitcoin Core 0.13.1softforkBIP141, BIP143, BIP147
2.4.1Bitcoin Core UASF 0.14.0softforkBIP148
2.4.2Bitcoin Core 0.16.3softforkfixes CVE-2018-17144
  1. Was the addition of nLockTime timelocks a hard fork?
    Bitcoin StackExchange
    Retrieved 2020-09-21
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