DiabloMiner is a Java GPU bitcoin miner that uses the OpenCL framework to quickly perform the hashing computations. Works on current Nvidia drivers and ATI Stream SDK 2.1.
Bitcoin address in the signature in the founder's page.
From the introductory post, to run type:
./DiabloMiner-YourOS.sh -u youruser -p yourpass
Where user and pass are the values for the rpcuser and rpcpassword configuration settings from the bitcoin.conf file located your data directory.
Newer versions of DiabloMiner support a --url
argument, for example:
/DiabloMiner-YourOS.sh --url http://youruser:yourpass@localhost:8332/
To run on Windows you have to do something like:
java -cp target\libs\*;target\DiabloMiner-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar -Djava.library.path=target\libs\natives\windows com.diablominer.DiabloMiner.DiabloMiner -u youruser -p yourpassword
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