Libbitcoin Build

The libbitcoin-build repository is used by Libbitcoin maintainers to generate Autotols and other build artifacts from declarative sources. The purpose of the library is to maintain build quality and consistency across the Libbitcoin repositories without unnecessarily restricting contributions.

Generated Artifacts


Design Overview

The Libbitcoin build system uses GSL for generation of build artifacts from a declarative XML model of each repository[1]. The system also enumerates source files within each repository in order to generate a master [library].hpp and Visual Studio projects and solutions are not currently generated[2]..

Change Control Process

Maintainers generate and push resulting artifacts to each of the other repositories so that contributors have familiar context. Contributors to a given repository can edit the generated artifacts and later maintainers can determine whether to retain changes by incorporating them into the model. This allows less experienced contributors to introduce changes for review without introducing fragility into user-facing build, install and packaging processes.

Example Repository Model

 <repository name="libbitcoin-consensus" version="2.0.0" email="" >

   <package library="bitcoin-consensus" description="Libbitcoin Consensus Library" url="" />

     <option type="with" name="pkgconfigdir" default="${libdir}/pkgconfig" example="=DIR" unprefixed="true" substitute="true" description="Path to pkgconfig directory." />
     <option type="with" name="tests" default="yes" conditional="true" description="Compile with unit tests." />
     <option type="enable" name="ndebug" default="yes" define="NDEBUG" description="Compile without debug assertions." />
     <option type="enable" name="shared" default="yes" define="BOOST_TEST_DYN_LINK" inherited="true" description="Required for dynamically linking boost test." />

     <dependency name="boost" compiler="gcc" version="1.55.0" option="tests" />
     <dependency name="boost" compiler="clang" version="1.56.0" option="tests" />
     <dependency name="boost_unit_test_framework" option="tests" />
     <dependency name="secp256k1" version="0.0.1" />

     <flag name="Wall" comment="Warn on all stuff." context="c" />
     <flag name="Wextra" comment="Warn on extra stuff." context="c" />
     <flag name="Wpedantic" alternate="pedantic" comment="Be really annoying." context="c" />
     <flag name="Wno-missing-braces" comment="Conform to style." context="c++" />
     <flag name="Wno-mismatched-tags" compiler="clang" comment="Conflict in stdlib under clang." context="c++" />
     <flag name="fstack-protector" comment="Protect stack." context="link" />
     <flag name="fstack-protector-all" comment="Protect stack comprehensively." context="link" />
     <flag name="fvisibility-hidden" compiler="gcc" comment="Hide internal functions from external libs." context="c++" />
     <flag name="fvisibility-inlines-hidden" compiler="gcc" comment="Hide inlines from external libs." context="c++" />

     <product prefix="pkgconfig" >
       <file path="libbitcoin-consensus.pc" />
     <product prefix="doc" >
       <file path="AUTHORS" />
       <file path="COPYING" />
       <file path="ChangeLog" />
       <file path="INSTALL" />
       <file path="NEWS" />
       <file path="README" />
     <product prefix="lib" path="src" name="bitcoin-consensus" uuid="6c521d95-00ce-4120-97d1-430e2870d738" >
       <library name="secp256k1" />
       <headers path="include" />
       <headers path="src" />
       <headers path="src/clone" />
       <sources path="src" />
     <product prefix="bin" path="test" name="libbitcoin_consensus_test" test="true" option="tests" uuid="d282ef8c-6217-483c-ac47-864b2fba50fd" >
       <library name="bitcoin-consensus" />
       <library name="boost" />
       <library name="boost_unit_test_framework" />
       <headers path="include" />
       <headers path="src" />
       <headers path="src/clone" />
       <sources path="test" />
     <product prefix="include" container="bitcoin" >
       <files path="include/bitcoin" />

     <build name="boost" version="1.56.0" parallel="true">
       <option value="--with-system" />
       <option value="--with-test" />
     <build name="secp256k1" github="libbitcoin" repository="secp256k1" branch="version4" parallel="true" >
       <option value="--disable-tests" />
       <option value="--enable-module-recovery" />
     <build name="bitcoin-consensus" github="libbitcoin" repository="libbitcoin-consensus" branch="version2" parallel="true" >
       <option value="${with_boost}" />
       <option value="${with_pkgconfigdir}" />

     <job system="osx" compiler="clang" link="static" >
       <option value="--disable-shared" />
       <option value="--build-boost" />
       <option value="--prefix=$TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR/my-prefix" />
     <job system="linux" compiler="clang" link="static" >
       <option value="--disable-shared" />
       <option value="--build-boost" />
       <option value="--prefix=$TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR/my-prefix" />
       <option value="CFLAGS='-Os'" />
       <option value="CXXFLAGS='-Os'" />
     <job system="linux" compiler="gcc" link="static" coverage="true" >
       <exclude path="clone/*" />
       <option value="--disable-shared" />
       <option value="--build-boost" />
       <option value="--build-dir=my-build" />
       <option value="--prefix=$TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR/my-prefix" />
       <option value="CFLAGS='-O0 -g --coverage'" />
       <option value="CXXFLAGS='-O0 -g --coverage'" />
     <job system="osx" compiler="clang" link="dynamic" >
       <get name="boost" />
     <job system="linux" compiler="clang" link="dynamic" sudo="true" >
       <option value="--build-boost" />
       <option value="--disable-ndebug" />
       <option value="--disable-static" />
       <option value="CFLAGS='-Os'" />
       <option value="CXXFLAGS='-Os'" />
     <job system="linux" compiler="gcc" link="dynamic" sudo="true" >
       <option value="--disable-static" />
       <option value="--build-boost" />
       <option value="CFLAGS='-Os -s'" />
       <option value="CXXFLAGS='-Os -s'" />



See Also


This article is issued from Bitcoin. The text is licensed under Creative Commons - Attribution - Sharealike. Additional terms may apply for the media files.